Her other major works, such as the novels "Lodore" and "Valperga" and the novella "Transformation", have been published in book form recently, along with her collected stories. So she was more than just "Frankenstein"- but that book earned her among other things the titles of "the first woman science fiction writer" and "first science fiction writer" (although she wasn't).

And she definitely would be quite amazed to know people know of her fictional doctor and his tragic creation now much better than they do anything Percy wrote.

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Sep 1Liked by James Coverley

In "The Philosophy of Horror", Noel Carroll boils the entire horror genre down to two essential plotlines. The “overreacher plot” is one of them, and "Frankenstein" is more or less the prototype. As much as we owe Mary Shelley for the mad scientist archetype, the associated theme, that some knowledge is dangerous, has never been more relevant.

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